Who are our Leaders?

Meet the Pastor

Charles Thaluri, a visionary, a leader and a pastor, brings a unique blend of academic excellence and spiritual depth to his role. He earned his Masters from Texas A&M University, Commerce, showcasing his commitment to intellectual pursuits and a dedication to continuous learning. Complementing his secular education, Charles pursued a Masters in Divinity from the prestigious South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore, India. This educational journey reflects his passion for holistic development and a well-rounded approach to leadership.

Charles Thaluri currently serves as the pastor of Smyrna Bible Church in the vibrant city of Hyderabad. His leadership at Smyrna Bible Church has been marked by a commitment to community building, spiritual growth, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and families. Under his guidance, the church has become a welcoming and nurturing space for spiritual seekers and believers alike.

Vision and Values: Charles brings a strong sense of purpose and a deep-rooted set of values to his work. His vision is to create spaces where people can find not only spiritual guidance but also a sense of belonging and community. His commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and a compassionate understanding of the human experience is evident in the way he leads and engages with others.

As a leader, Charles Thaluri emphasizes the importance of servant leadership, inspired by his faith and the teachings he has embraced. He believes in leading by example, demonstrating humility, and fostering an environment where each individual is empowered to contribute their unique gifts and talents. His leadership philosophy is deeply rooted in a desire to see Biblical transformation in the lives of those he serves.

While Charles is dedicated to his professional responsibilities, he also values personal connections. Known for his approachability and genuine interest in the lives of others, he creates an environment where people feel heard, valued, and supported.

Charles Thaluri’s journey is a testament to his commitment to excellence, both in the academic and spiritual realms. His leadership is driven by a deep sense of purpose, and he continues to inspire others to reach their Christian maturity, creating a Gospel impact in the communities he serves.

Who We Are?

Charles Thaluri


Anil Cheveti

Pastoral Intern
