Who We Are?

Who We Are

Welcome to Smyrna Bible Church, a vibrant community of believers united in our faith and commitment to following the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the heart of our identity is a profound acknowledgment of Jesus as our Savior, and we strive to live in obedience to His transformative Word.

Our Faith Foundation: We are a gathering of Christians who joyfully profess our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rooted in the Scriptures, we seek to embody the teachings of Christ in every aspect of our lives. Our faith is not merely a set of beliefs but a living commitment to follow Jesus in every area of life.

Worship and Communion: Regular gatherings form the cornerstone of our community. We come together to worship the Lord through the harmonious melodies of songs, the earnestness of prayers, and the illumination of His Word through preaching. Our worship is a celebration of the Crucified and the Risen Lord Jesus, recognizing the profound impact of His sacrifice and the hope found in His resurrection.

Commitment to Growth: As a local church, we are committed to growing in the knowledge of God in Christ. We recognize that spiritual maturity is a journey, and we strive to create an environment where individuals can deepen their understanding of God’s grace and truth. Our desire is to continually grow in our faith and share the transformative power of Christ with the world around us.

Doctrinal Identity: Smyrna Bible Church proudly identifies as a Protestant congregation with a reformed understanding of salvation. Grounded in the foundational truths of the Reformation, we emphasize the sovereignty of God in salvation and the authority of Scripture. Additionally, our church governance is baptistic in nature, reflecting our commitment to the autonomy of the local church.

Elder-Led Congregational Church: In our pursuit of biblical principles, we embrace an elder-led congregational model of church governance. Recognizing the importance of shared leadership and congregational involvement, we seek to be a community where every member plays an active role in the life of the church. Through this structure, we aim to foster unity, accountability, and spiritual growth.

At Smyrna Bible Church, we are more than just a congregation; we are a family of believers on a shared journey of faith. Join us as we seek to live out our commitment to Christ, grow in His grace, and proclaim the transformative message of the Gospel to the world around us.

Our Community Vision & Mission:

  • To exist for the glory of the glorious name of God the Father
  • The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ should be fruitful and spread throughout the world
  • People should have faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and love the community
  • God’s people should live in obedience, purity and maturity under the Holy Spirit
  • To prepare believers for church ministry through worship, prayer, discipleship and evangelism

As a local church we are committed to the doctrines of God’s Word, the authority of God’s Word, and the practice of holiness in life through fellowship.

Salvation is there

join our community

Pastor`s Word

Dear Friend, are you sure that you are forgiven? Are you sure that you are going to be with the Lord after this life on Earth? If your answers to those two questions are no, then you must seriously think about it. Where do you want to spend eternity after this life? These are question not to scare you or deceive you to get something out of you, but they are genuine questions regarding the state of your own soul. You think about it and be sure that you have right answers for those questions.

If you are looking for answers to those questions, they I gladly want to point you to the Bible where you can find the truth. God in His goodness and grace revealed Himself to us through His Word, the Bible. Knowing Him personally is true and eternal life. You can now know Him personally because He came to this world in person, that is, in the person of Christ Jesus. It is in Jesus, the God-Man, we find forgiveness and eternal life. So, why wait? Get to know Him through His revealed Word, the Bible. 

If you want to know more about Jesus, please feel free to join a good Church near to you where the Bible is regularly taught well. If you did not find one, then you are welcome to join us at Smyrna Bible Church.

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

Mark 8:34-38
